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From Anxious to Awesome...
In as little as six weeks

Helen Hardware
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Anxiety feels different to everyone, you might have one or several symptoms.


Maybe you feel like you’re up and down, some days, you feel like you’re able to cope, and other days you overthink, over analyse or create scenarios in your head.


Or do you obsess over the same situation and worrying about everything?


Perhaps you feel tense and panicky, your heart racing and unable to relax.


You may even feel overwhelmed and emotional.


Maybe your thoughts spiral, and feel outside of your control.


Even everyday tasks can send your anxiety into hyperdrive.


This onslaught can be relentless and drive you crazy.


But it doesn’t have to be that way…. Anxiety doesn't need to be something that you continue to live with, or put it - with the right support you can feel calm, clear minded, focused more content, motivated, and confident.

Helen Hardware with mug of tea

Hi, I'm Helen from Empowering Transformation. I’m a clinical hypnotherapist specialising in supporting you to overcome anxiety.

I used to suffer from debilitating anxiety myself! 


It’s entirely possible to go from anxious to awesome…. I know because I’ve been there myself.


From an early age I worried about everything….

  • As a child I'd lay awake worrying about what I'd said or done in case I'd upset someone

  • In my teens I struggled with social anxiety and would be violently sick every time I went out with friends, ate in a restaurant or even just felt uncomfortable

  • In my corporate career I was fuelled by high functioning anxiety but riddled with imposter syndrome and continually afraid of failing  which ultimately led to burn out….


That was until I discovered hypnotherapy.


Hypnosis rapidly unleashed my positive belief in myself, put my imposter to bed, and left me excited about life again.

I want to help you feel the same

To find out more about how I can help you book a free 15 minute discovery call

It's normal to feel anxious from time to time...

Anxiety is a natural human reaction to stress, and is part of the ‘fight or flight response’.


However, if the feelings become persistent, or last for an extended period, they start to impact daily life.


Anxiety, stress, panic attacks and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) are more common than you might think. In fact over 8 million people experience an anxiety disorder at any time, and each person’s experience is unique.


Research suggests that anxiety rates are on the rise.  According to the World Health Organisation, anxiety and depression increased by an enormous 25% in 2020.

Hypnotherapy for anxiety...

Every client’s needs are different, and I will take time to understand what you are experiencing and how it’s impacting you. Together we will design the best approach for your needs.


Using a combination of Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), coaching, and mindset techniques, we will explore which symptoms are impacting you the most and address the most severe ones first.


These tools and techniques can help you with....


  • Feeling anxious, nervous, worried or fearful

  • Fatigue, exhaustion or feeling burnt out

  • Feeling over emotional

  • Sleep disruption or insomnia

  • Racing mind or looping negative thoughts

  • Panic attacks

  • Apprehension or feeling of impending doom

  • Lack of concentration 

  • Negative thoughts or critical self-talk

  • Difficulty making decisions

  • Feeling out of control

  • Low confidence or self-esteem




What my clients say....
'After working with Helen, I quickly started sleeping better. My emotional state improved, less triggers, less often. My head became clearer, more able to focus. I was having less and less migraines. I was starting to be decisive again and towards the end of our sessions I felt stronger and more the person I was used to being. I felt easier about going back to work.' – Sophie C


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